
Showing posts from 2014

JPEGmini let's you trim your picture size without any loss of quality

Happy photo dieting! Author: Anna McNab Date Posted: 3/21/2014  Description: The immense proliferation of digital photography has made every one of us a photographer and with the ever improving technology and constantly increasing size of the picture files we are storing on our computers, the time has come to figure out a way to downsize these huge folders filled with hundreds of pictures of our children playing with toys, playing at a park or in the first snow. Don't get me wrong, these moments are invaluable, but they are starting to take up all of the storage space on our computers. You may also wish to read more if you have a website with many images, because shrinking them will decrease the load time for your content, or if you make presentations that include many images.  JPEGmini offers a possible solution to this problem by dramatically reducing the size of our JPEG files without the loss of quality in our pictures. Let me take you on a tour that will  show you how